Student Resources
An Eruv is a symbolic boundary that enables halachic observant Jews to carry items in a public domain on Shabbat. Most major cities in America have an Eruv. Tufts University Medford/Somerville campus is situated within the North Charles Community Eruv.
Tufts Hillel is here to support you as you create your new Jewish home away from home. One of the ways we offer support is through providing Mezuzahs.
What is a Mezuzah?
It’s a small parchment scroll inscribed with the words of the Shema, encased in a decorative cylinder, and affixed to one’s doorframe. The Mezuzah is the hallmark of a Jewish home, serving as a connection to Jewish identity, community, and heritage. The Mezuzah, placed at the threshold, also marks transitional space. College is a time when students navigate new transitions and we at Hillel are here to support you in this process!
If you would like a Mezuzah, please email Tuft's Curator of Religious Experience at, or come to the Hillel building at 220 Packard Ave. If you would like help putting up your Mezuzah, we would be thrilled to help!