Ways of Giving
While these are challenging times, Tufts Hillel is committed to meeting the increased needs of the Jewish students on campus. The Tufts Hillel Annual Fund gives the staff at Tufts Hillel the flexibility to add additional meals and programming, which are significant and unbudgeted expenses, during this ongoing crisis. Thank you for supporting Jewish life at Tufts as we continue to come together for connection and community.
Here are ways that you can make gifts to Tufts Hillel:

You have the option to provide either a single donation or establish recurring monthly contributions through the following means:
Online: Click HERE.
Online gifts must be made by 11:59pm on December 31 to count for the 2025 tax year.
By phone: Please call Tufts University Advancement’s gift processors at 866-351-5184 and specify that your gift is for Tufts Hillel.
Credit card gifts made over the phone must be called in by 5:00pm on December 31 to count for the 2023 tax year.

Checks should be sent by mail and made out to Trustees of Tufts College with Tufts Hillel in the memo line and mailed to:
Tufts Hillel, PO Box 3306, Boston, MA 02241-3306.
Checks must be USPS postmarked by Tuesday, December 30 to count for the 2025 tax year.

Gifts of appreciated securities may have tax advantages and can be given as an outright gift or to fulfill a pledge.
Donors who give securities that have been held more than one year can realize two benefits: a charitable tax deduction for the full fair market value of the securities, and avoidance of capital gains taxes on the appreciated assets.
please contact us at Hillel-Center@tufts.edu
Transfers must be received by the end of the business day on Friday, December 26 to count for the 2025 tax year.
Please note: The securities must be given directly to Tufts Hillel at Tufts University; if you sell the securities and donate the proceeds, you will not realize these same tax benefits.

Checks should be made out to Trustees of Tufts College with Tufts Hillel in the memo line and mailed to:
Tufts Hillel, PO Box 3306, Boston, MA 02241-3306. (Tufts’ tax identification number is 04-2103634).

Individuals who are at least 70 ½ years old can make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), up to $108,000 in 2025, from their IRA. They can exclude the amount of the QCD from their gross income for federal tax purposes, and, if they are age 73 or older, it can be used to satisfy their required minimum distribution.
Information about making a QCD from an IRA, including Tufts’ tax identification number, can be found here.

As a benefit to you, your employer may match your charitable giving. Matching gifts often double or triple the value of your gift. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and /or their spouses.
Check with your employer to learn how to take advantage of your company’s matching gift program, it is often a very simple online process. Click here to find out if your company has a matching gift policy: http://www.matchinggifts.com/tufts/.

By including Tufts Hillel in your estate planning, you can extend your legacy to future generations of Tufts students and ensure that they will have the benefit of a strong and vibrant Jewish community on campus.
A bequest in your will or trust is the simplest way to make a significant gift to Tufts Hillel without affecting your assets during your lifetime. It can be done as easily as naming Tufts Hillel as a beneficiary for an IRA, life insurance policy, or in your will.
Additionally, you can give specific assets including securities, real estate (such as a residence or office building), or tangible personal property (such as artwork, antiques, royalties, or copyrights).
Please consider designating a specific sum from your estate (e.g., $50,000) or a percentage of your estate (e.g., 5%).
Other Planned Giving
Other types of planned giving may be beneficial to you during your lifetime. These include various forms of trusts and annuities funded by cash and securities.
For more information about making a legacy gift, please contact us at Hillel-Center@tufts.edu.
Please contact us at Alyssa.Frank@tufts.edu